The Data on AI

About Index42

This site seeks to track relevant public and other data that show companies' efforts to build the necessary data, teams and governance to enable the use of AI in their enterprises. We consume a variety of data into our system to produce our analysis:

About Cuesta Partners

Cuesta is a 65-person technology firm that solves data-related problems, from building data platforms and implementing advanced AI solutions, to improving existing systems that need some attention. Cuesta works with a variety of medium and large companies, many of whom are Private Equity-backed or staked with venture capital.

Index42 People

Christopher Steiner

Christopher Steiner leads the Index42 project and is a partner at Cuesta Partners. He is an engineer and a New York Times Bestselling Author of two books on technology, including Automate This: How Algorithms Took Over Our World. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, MIT Technology Review, Forbes, Reuters, and Outside Magazine, among others. In addition to being a founder at Cuesta, Christopher co-founded Aisle50, a Y Combinator company that was acquired by Groupon in 2015. He holds a hopeless amount of empircal knowledge regarding snowfall quality, quantity, and frequency across the North American continent that does him little good most days.

Jack Keller, Scoring Strategy

Jack's engineering and technology expertise spans a broad range of industries, with a focus on driving innovation through AI, automation, and advanced IT systems. With deep technical skills in coding and automation, Jack frequently designs and deploys custom solutions to streamline workflows, and extract actionable data insights, among other awesome stuff. Jack has worked at Deloitte Consulting and Liberty Advisor Group, where he led technology transformation initiatives for large industrial and aerospace companies. His work home now, at Cuesta Partners, is way cooler, and it's where Jack focuses on the integration of cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies into existing operations.

Jackson Perlut, Analyst

A senior at William and Mary, Jackson has piled up a number of impressive internships during his short career, including one for a U.S. Senator. Index42 freed him of Capitol Hill's partisan bonds, its silly five-o-clock cocktail hours, and the strivey environment where everybody wears suits, and allowed Jackson to dig into the world of data. His work helped build out Index42's database on big company AI capabilities, the most comprehensive of its kind.